Why Volunteer?


Overheard at the World Volunteer Conference

In response to the observation that volunteers are too often seen as amateurs: “Just remember: Noah’s Ark was built by amateurs. The Titanic was built by professionals.”

The Top Ten Reasons to Volunteer!!

10.  The library has confiscated your card for overuse.

9.  Your solitaire app is starting to repeat games

8.  The Soap Operas are all reruns.

7.  When you stay home you get too many telemarketing calls.

6.  On a regular basis your significant other looks at you and says “Another meeting today?” and you are happy to get out of the house.

5.  If you don’t get out of the house each day you get old.

4.  The dog simply does not need that many walks each day.

3.  You are an amazing role model for your children and grandchildren.

2.   You know in your heart that—whatever evils and problems afflict this world—you are making it a better place.

1.  You get to attend a fabulous Auxiliary AGM every year.

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.  You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.